Grandpa finally got some lights on the 5th west side of the house. I figured if you could see that side from road also it should have some lights on it. The lights aren't quite long enough though. I'll have to find some more.

The front looks better for real. They turned out kind of dim. They are pretty cool though. I mean good - there not just cool because of the temperature outside! Give me some credit!!

The family gift exchange party was a hit. Me and Grandma had fun.
Grandpa aged a little quick and Caleb and Cobey didn't quite know what to think!!

The next door neighbor brought us little gift and she brought her little daughter Audrey with her. We had to get a picture of little cutie with her mom.

Richard go a hair cut for the big occasion. It was nice to get the real Richard back again. He was getting pretty shaggy.